NOVANIMAL Key Findings
How to eat less meat – by choice and with culinary enjoyment
Consuming animal products on a moderate level is a robust strategy for sustainable and healthy nutrition. Innovations addressing out of home consumption are considered very effective in reducing resource use of nutrition and making eating habits healthier.
NOVANIMAL: problems, objectives, methods, results, and suggestions
Brief overview and guide to results
In the NRP 69 project NOVANIMAL, under the lead of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW, seven research partners were involved: Agroscope (Federal Agricultural Research); Berne University of Applied Sciences BFH; Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability CCRS, Zurich University; Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute EBPI, Zurich University; University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW; Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and ZHAW. The research partners worked on many work packages, each with its specific questions, objectives, methods, and results. Practice partners were: SV Switzerland; Facility Management ZHAW; Berufsfachschule Baden BBB; Belvoirpark Hotelfachschule, Zurich. This document provides a brief overview and a guide to the results in keywords. The addressees of the innovation ideas, drivers, constraints and suggestions, are decision makers and actors.
NOVANIMAL Innovationen
Innovationen für eine ressourcenleichtere Ernährung und Nahrungsmittelproduktion.
Aktualisierte Innovationsposter zum NOVANIMAL Dialog vom 10. September 2018 in der Markthalle Basel
Final scientific report to the SNSF (Version 02)
Project “Innovations for a future-oriented consumption and animal production” NOVANIMAL